If you are seeking more information about any of our offered ministries, please complete the form below:

Believe Out Loud (BOL)

The Believe Out Loud ministry team is committed to affirming the LGBTQIA+ community as beloved children of God. They organize parish educational forums to address timely topics and invite participation in affirming community events.


The Brotherhood of St. Andrew

St. Timothy’s chapter of the Brotherhood of St Andrew is part of a worldwide organization of men in the Episcopal and Anglican Church. Dedicated to prayer, study and service, this group gathers in person and on Zoom at biweekly on Tuesdays each month. They continue each meeting with breakfast out afterwards.


Community Garden

The garden ministry sows, waters, weeds and harvests produce to benefit local food banks. 


The Daughters of the King

This international lay order for women is dedicated to prayer, evangelism, and service.


Finance Committee

This ministry team supports the vestry by attending to best practices such as annual audits, insurance reviews and budget preparation and oversight.



Episcopalians believe the 8th sacrament is coffee, and the F in fellowship stands for Food. Through kitchen service, the hospitality team provides a welcome space for connection and conversation after services, as well as receptions for special occasions.


Worship Servers

Worship is the center of our faith community, and all are invited to serve. There are many ways to participate: behind the scenes or up in front; and before or during the liturgy. 

The altar and flower guilds work behind the scenes to ensure the essential elements for every liturgy. From purchasing wafers and wine, to cleaning and repairing vestments and decorating for church seasons, these lay ministers prayerfully prepare a beautiful environment for worship. 

Lectors are lay readers trained to publicly proclaim the lessons to the congregation.

Altar servers are lay ministers trained to assist in leading worship. Youth ages 8-14 may carry torches and assist with communion distribution, while older youth and adults may participate by carrying the cross and leading the Prayers of the People.

Ushers and greeters help provide a warm and welcoming environment to new and returning worshippers. Greeters ensure every person who enters is personally welcomed, while ushers facilitate a smooth service by providing direction and assistance, collecting the financial offering and directing communion distribution.


Young at Heart

This community of 55+ welcomes the Young at Heart of any age. They gather each month for a potluck meal and program. Bring a favorite dish to share or come as you are. They always have plenty to eat!