Checklist for Entering:
• Exterior doors unlocked (only the narthex and lower-level doors should be unlocked).
• Unlock interior doors needed for your activity.
• Turn on lights in common areas and in your room.
May – September:
St. Tim’s utilizes swamp coolers for cooling most of the building (see below for the D’Zone). Follow the directions below if you are using the Sanctuary, Fellowship Hall, Choir Room, or Library.
• Turn swamp cooler(s) to “pump” for 15 minutes before turning to desired cooling level.
• Open window(s) in the zone you are cooling.
• Sanctuary: open one window on each side near the entry doors
• Choir Room/Library/Fellowship Hall: open the window in Room 4 and leave the door open
• Offices: open window in Children’s Chapel
In the D’Zone:
• Adjust thermostat to desired temperature (do not go below 68 degrees)
October – April:
• St. Tim’s has radiant heat, do not adjust the thermostats. If temperature is uncomfortable, please contact Director of Operations at 720-784-8564.
In the D’Zone:
• Adjust thermostat between 68 – 72 degrees, return to 65 when finished.
Checklist for Leaving:
• Close and latch any open windows.
• Check the areas you used to see if there are any windows open or unlatched.
• Turn off swamp coolers/reset thermostat in D’Zone (65 in winter and ‘off’ in summer months)
• Turn off lights in the room(s) you used and common areas.
• close and lock interior doors.
• If it is after 5:00 PM, please notify the remaining group(s) that you are leaving and let them know the area(s) you closed.
Additional Directions if you are the last one to leave:
• Check that all interior doors are shut and, wherever possible, locked.
• Check that exterior doors are shut and locked. In addition to locking, please push on each door to ensure it is not ajar.
• Check the alarm panel for faults – do not leave if there are faults.
The security system will notify you if there is a door or window open and the zone (room) where the fault is located. Once there are no more faults, you may leave the building – the alarm will arm on its own. If this does not resolve the faults, contact the Director of Operations: 720-784-8564.
Difficulty locking or unlocking a door?
Please find a detailed, step-by-step guide in the narthex located in the top right drawer of the credenza closest to the main entrance.
Still having issues?
Call Director of Operations at 720-784-8564