St Timothy's Episcopal Church is a house of prayer for all people. God made you, and you are welcome here, no exceptions! Join us in our journey to be a diverse community focused on following Jesus. We respect the dignity of every human being, and we seek to serve Christ in all persons, regardless of race, ability, sexual orientation, or gender identity. We invite all children of God to join in our sacramental life.

All are invited to worship with us on Sundays at 10 am. We gather to be fed in the ministries of Word and Sacrament. We come to remember who we are and to Whom we belong. Our common prayer shapes us, how we see God and ourselves, and how we experience the world. Through dedicating time and space for encounter with the holy, we invite transformation. 

Upon arrival, you will be warmly greeted and offered a bulletin that will guide you through the service. St. Tim's especially welcomes children, and delights in their wiggles and giggles. During the school year, we offer Children's Chapel for K-3rd during the first half of the service, and children rejoin their families in time for Holy Communion.

Help us welcome you by submitting a connection card